Do you want to know what you’ve got that your competitors haven’t?

In a world where AI has become the hot topic of the week, I'm here to tell you WHY being authentically YOU is actually going to work for business.

Don't waste your time scrolling through social, admiring your competitor's work and thinking "ooohh if I copy this, then I'm going to see the same results".

If you are doing that, let me tell you now, it's not going to work. Your competitor is bossing their small biz because they're being true to themselves, and the ones that are replicating the same content WON'T see the same results.

Why? Because their audience will be able to tell that it's not from them.

That's why generating original and purpose-driven content these days is




Keep on reading to get inspired to start being you when speaking with your audience!

So we’ve already established that it’s not going to work if you’re scrolling through social, comparing yourself to your competitors and being tempted to copy their format, style and content thinking "what works for them, must work for me"

and I know right now you’re thinking “yes Amelia, you’ve already said that but why?”

Well, do you want to know what you've got that your competitors haven't? ... your voice!

Light-bulb moment 💡

Your voice and life experience are unique to you, it's something that no one can take from you no matter how hard they try. It's what will make your clients/customers come back to you, because no matter how pretty a brand's feed looks, what people connect with is honesty and GREAT marketing starts with being open, personal and being you. Authentically you.

What does 'authentically you' actually mean though?

"you're true to your own personality, values, and spirit, regardless of the pressure that you're under to act otherwise"

So with this in mind let's look at some examples of how you can be authentically you with your content...


You're looking to make memorable connections with your audience so start by adding additional detail to your bio. Don't just say "I love to travel", try "I love to dip my toes in every and any country that serves a spicy margarita". That additional detail is something that your audience could either relate to, remember or think "is this girl nuts?" either way they're going to remember you.

The content that you create, create it because you think "damn I wish I knew this when I was starting out". By sharing knowledge and tips with your audience that you believe in, your audience will believe in it too. If you're selling a product and you want your audience to remember said product, then tell a story! Whether it's a customer story or bts info, tell it in a memorable way.

Put a face behind the brand. Yes that does mean showing up on your socials 👋 I know that’s a scary concept to most, but people buy from people these days. Your audience wants to know who you are, what you like, what you do in your spare time and I’m not suggesting you post every meal you eat or every iced coffee you drink. But getting on Instagram Live and answering some common customer queries, or creating a reel of you packing an order, adds a personal touch that your audience NEEDS to see in order to relate to you.

So the next time you're scrolling on social and you see a post that you like and you're tempted to copy it. DON'T. Instead, sit down and make a list of key points that you would like to share with your audience. Share it on a deeper level and remember to add extra juicy detail!

Still need some help with creating authentic content? Have some ideas but you're unsure of a strategy? This is where I come in. Let me create your marketing and content strategy so that you know exactly what to post, and when to post.

Drop me an email at or book your free consultation call and let me create your marketing and content strategy


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