Do you often find yourself marketing your product but not knowing where your audience is? Could you describe your target audience in 2 minutes?

Lots of businesses go through the ‘learning phase’ on who, what and where their audience are. They waste tonnes of ££ marketing their amazing product to the WRONG customer.

If for example I just launched my brand-new baby clothing business, made from organic and recycled cotton. I was targeting my audience on a weekday morning on Twitter and found I was getting little to no results. Do you know why? Wrong market sunshine. Twitter is a very heavy corporate platform that’s great for information pieces and knowledge/opinion sharing. Also on a weekday morning, you’re going to find that the target market (mums) will be busy with the weekday morning rush. They’re not going to be online and they’re not going to look to Twitter for baby inspiration pieces.

That’s where my client persona template comes in. Not only will this identify WHO your target audience is, but it will also identify WHERE they are and HOW you are going to approach them.

Stop wasting time and money marketing your products to the wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time and …


If you’re reading the above and thinking woaahhh girl I need some help with my social as my mind is blown with each platform, then worry no more. Get in touch and let’s book a free consultation call on how I can help you market your biz.

Let’s get connected